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Playing football
one game at a time


October Half Term Footie Camps Evelyn Street and Winwick Leisure Centre.
October Half Term Football Camps 2017 Football Fun for Boys & Girls in years 1, 2,3,4 & 5 at Evelyn Street Community Primary School...

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Wargrave Big Local.
We are pleased to announce that we will be working in partnership with Wargrave Big Local by providing Walking Football Sessions for the...

Great Turn out at our new venue- Birchwood High School
We had our first session at our New venue of Birchwood High School Brock Road Birchwood on Tuesday night. We have set this session up due...

New venue for Walking Football.
We are starting sessions at Birchwood High School, Brock Road Birchwood WA3 7PT 6-7pm on Tuesdays. As an introductory offer our first...

Summer Camp Footie Fun- it's going viral and there is no cure.
Yes FUN is catching and alas there isn't a cure but maybe you could catch it too. We have some places left for our last camp of the...

We still have a few places left on our Summer Camps
See our Football Camps Venues page for more information

WANTED - preferably alive and definitely kicking
We are looking for more players and to add more venues for our sessions. If you want to play and there isn't a session near you or a time...

No running, absolutely not.
Wednesday's - 8-9pm St Gregory's High School, Cromwell Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1HG
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