At the start of 2020, which seems like an age ago now, we started to lay down the ideas for some new and exciting projects. We had worked hard in putting the plans together and the final pieces of the jigsaw were being put into place so that we could launch them in April 2020. We were getting quite giddy as the time was drawing near but lockdown stopped us in our tracks and we had to put them on the shelf, which was in the greater scheme of things quite right and proper as there are more important things in life than football.
As time has moved on through the last billion years (well it feels that way), things are looking to be heading to a more normal state of being, as well as they probably can be, and we have decided, as frankly we've been unable to hold our own water for this long, to finally let the cat out of the bag tell you all what we have been up to.
Although we are still in lockdown, football is slowly making its way back and although we are not in a position to play games as we know them at grassroots level, we are hoping that we will be able to get under way very soon. Obviously, we will be following the guidelines but as soon as we are able, we are going to launch 3 new projects.
1. Our first project is massively important to us. We have been asked to set up weekly sessions in Warrington to help prevent suicide in men aged 35-55. We believe this is a first for Warrington and we will be working with a different format and with the Mental Health Agencies and service providers across Warrington who deal with Men’s mental health. We must thank Warrington Voluntary Action for their support on this project.
2. Our second project is Women's only Walking Football in Warrington. We have been working on this for about 12 months if not longer finally we've got it off the ground. Again, it's a first we believe in Warrington and surrounding areas and one that came about following the interest in our mixed Walking Football sessions at Birchwood, of which we are most proud. We are extremely grateful to Sport England for helping us get this project together.
3. Thirdly but not lastly, we are launching a new Walking Football session for over 60s only in Penketh and Sankey. This will be a daytime session and we want the players not just to play but to sit and have a brew afterwards and reminisce on the good old playing days.
Aa all these projects will be drop in sessions they don't require strong commitment, but we hope that once you play, you'll love it and make your own commitment to keep on coming.
Once we get the green light, we will release the start dates and venues, so keep an eye on the website, our facebook page, twitter account and other social media.
We look forward to seeing you there.