We were devestated to learn last week that the Government had included Adult indoor team sports within the "rule of 6" and as such, this affected the launch of 2 of our brand new sessions as they were both due to start indoors. After a great deal of hard work behind the scenes, we have now managed to sort out new launch dates however unfortately due to limited availabity of times, we are having to change to outdoors and different venues, days and times as follows:
Women's only Walking Football will now take place on Fridays, starting 9th October 2020 6-7pm putside on the 3g at Birchwood Hgh School Brock Road Birchwood WA3 7PT.

Over 60's only Walking Football in Penketh will now take place at Penketh Tennis Club off Hall Nook Penketh WA5 2HR starting Thursday 1st October 2020 10am-12

We hope to see you all there.