Our Rising and Shooting Stars sessions return to Penketh Youth Club on 26th September 2020. Whislt we are looking forward to going back indoors, ther will be some restricit0ns in place due to Covid.
Due to limited space, we can only allow 1 parent per child. (we can accept a sibling with the parent)
There is limited viewing space in the main hall and therefore if you are comfortable with leaving your children in the hall, we would ask if you could use the area outside the main hall. We will keep the doors open to allow the children easier access to get their drinks as and when required.
We will be putting strict social distancing in place and would ask that you follow this policy.
When in the venue, we are asking all adults to wear a mask.
Please do not arrive prior to 9.20am.
We would be grateful in entering the building if you could take your time if others are entering and enter socially distant.
You must sanitise as you enter and exit the building. This will be provided.
When using the toilets, please ensure you wash your hands as required.
When the session finishes, we will ask you to vacate the building in an orderly way and social distancing.
Unfortunately we cannot give out any stickers or star of the week awards.
Anyone who meets one of the following criteria should not attend the sessions and must follow the Governments guidance on Self Isolation:
Has a high temperature,
Loss / change in taste or smell a new persistent cough?
Is a vulnerable person (by virtue of their age, underlying health condition, clinical condition or are pregnant)?
Is living with someone in self isolation or is a vulnerable person
They must then follow the guidance provided by HM Government/NHS on self-isolation and not return to session until their period of self-isolation has been completed.
Please avoid touching anything
Cough or sneeze into a tissue and put it in a bin, or if they do not have tissues, cough and sneeze into the crook of heir elbow.

We thank you for your continued cooperation during this time.